John W. Daily
Center for Combustion and Environmental Research
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Colorado Boulder

Refereed Publications
[1] J. Daily, I. Raeder, and G. Zankl. The effect of finite chemical reaction rates on heat transfer to the walls of combustion driven supersonic mhd generator channels. AIAA Journal, 12:403–404, 1974.
[2] J. W. Daily. Pulsed resonance spectroscopy applied to turbulent combustion flows. Appl. Opt., 15:955, 1976.
[3] J. W. Daily, C. Kruger, S. Self, and R. Eustis. Boundary layer measurements in a combustion driven mhd
generator. AIAA Journal, 14:997–1005, 1976.
[4] J. Daily. Effect of turbulence on line reversal temperature measurements. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy
and Radiative Transfer, 17:339–341, 1977.
[5] J. Daily. Saturation effects in laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Applied Optics, 16:568–571, 1977.
[6] J. DAILY. Use of rate equation to describe laser excitation in flames. Applied Optics, 16(8):2322–2327, 1977.
[7] J. Daily and C. Kruger. Effects of cold boundary layers on spectroscopic temperature measurements in com- bustion gas flows. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 17:327–338, 1977.
[8] J. Daily and C. Chan. Laser-induced fluorescence measurement of sodium in flames. Combustion and Flame, 33:47–53, 1978.
[9] J. W. Daily. Detectability limit and uncertainty considerations for laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy. Appl. Opt., 17:1610, 1978.
[10] J. W. Daily. Saturation of fluorescence in flames with a Gaussian laser beam. Applied Optics, 17:225, 1978.
[11] C. Chan and J. W. Daily. Near-resonant rayleigh scattering and atomic flame fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal
of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 21:527–531, 1979.
[12] J. W. Daily. Coherent optical transient spectroscopy in flames. Appl. Opt., 18:360, 1979.
[13] N. Ishikawa and J. W. Daily. Observation of flow characteristics in a model i.c. engine cylinder. SAE Transac- tions, 87:1035–1044, 1979.
[14] C. Chan and J. W. Daily. Laser excitation dynamics of OH in Flames. Appl. Opt., 19:1357, 1980.
[15] C. Chan and J. W. Daily. Measurement of temperature in flames using laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy
of OH. APPLIED OPTICS, 19:1963, 1980.
[16] J. Daily. Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy in flames. In American Chemical Society Symposium Series
134, volume 134, pages 61–83, 1980.
[17] R. G. Joklik and J. W. Daily. Two-line atomic fluorescence temperature measurement in flames: an experimental
study. APPLIED OPTICS, 21(22):4158, 1982.
[18] J. . Keller, L. Vaneveld, D. Korschelt, G. L. Hubbard, A. F. Ghoniem, J. W. Daily, and A. K. Oppenheim.
Mechanism of instabilities in turbulent combustion leading to flashback. AIAA Jpurnal, 20(2):254–262, 1982.
[19] M. Azzazy and J. W. Daily. Fluorescence measurements of oh in a turbulent flame. AIAA Journal, 21:1100–1106,
[20] R. W. Pitz and J. W. Daily. Combustion in a Turbulent Mixing Layer Formed at a Rearward-Facing Step .
AIAA Journal, 21:1565, 1983.
[21] R. Crowder, J. Daily, and J. Humphrey. Numerical calculation of partical dispersion in a turbulent mixing layer
flow. Journal of Pipelines, 4:159–169, 1984.
[22] J. Daily, R. W. Pitz, J. O. Keller, J. L. Ellzey, and I. G. Shepherd. The structure and dynamics of reacting two stream plane mixing layers. In Measurements and Techniques in Turbulent Reactive and Non-Reactive Flows, volume 66, pages 175–209. ASME Special Publication AMD, 1984.
[23] J. W. Daily and W. J. Lundquist. Three Dimensional Structure in a Turbulent Combusting Mixing Layer. 20th Symposium (International) on Combustion, pages 1–8, 1984.
[24] M. Azzazy and J. W. Daily. The effect of reactive intermediates on the propagation of turbulent premixed flames. AIAA Journal, 23:1202–1207, 1985.
[25] J. O. Keller and J. W. Daily. The Effects of Highly Exothermic Chemical Reaction on a Two-Dimensional Mixing Layer . AIAA Journal, 23:1937, 1985.
[26] I. Shepherd and J. Daily. Velocity and density measurements in a planar two-stream turbulent mixing layer. In AIAA Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics, volume 105 Part II, pages 83–98. AIAA, 1985.
[27] J. Daily. Electric field measurement by two-beam doppler shift spectroscopy. Applied Optics, 25:1378–1380, 1986.
[28] R. W. Joklik and J. W. Daily. Lif study of ch a (doublet delta) collision dynamics in a low pressure oxy-acetylene flame. Combustion and Flame, 69:211–219, 1987.
[29] J. W. Daily. Cycle-to-cycle variations: A chaotic process? Combustion Science and Technology, 57(4-6):149– 162, 1988.
[30] R. W. Joklik, J. Daily, and W. Pitz. Measurements of ch radical concentrations in an acetylene/oxygen flame and comparisons to modeling calculations. In Twenty-First Symposium (International) on Combustion, 1988.
[31] M. Sassi and J. W. Daily. Doppler shift methods for plasma diagnostics. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 40:429–437, 1988.
[32] L. Bauwens and J. W. Daily. Flame sheet algorithm for use in numerical modeling of ramjet combustion instability. AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 8:264–270, 1991.
[33] K. Yu, A. Trouve, and J. DAILY. Low-frequency pressure oscillations in a model ramjet combustor. Journal Of Fluid Mechanics, 232:47, 1991.
[34] J. Hwang and J. W. Daily. A study of particle charging for electric field enhanced depostion. Aerosol Science and Technology, 16:113–125, 1992.
[35] A. Abbud-Madrid, M. Branch, T. Feiereisen, and J. Daily. Ignition of bulk metals by a continuous radiation source in a pure oxygen atmosphere. In D. Janoff and J. M. Stoltzfus, editors, Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres, volume ASTM STP 1197. American Society of Testing and Materials, 1993.
[36] T. Feierisen, M. C. Branch, A. Abbud-Madrid, and J. W. Daily. Gravitational and pressure effects on the steady- state temperature of metal specimens subject to a constant heat flux in a pure oxygen atmosphere. In D. Janoff and J. M. Stoltzfus, editors, Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres, volume ASTM STP 1197. American Society of Testing and Materials, 1993.
[37] J. Hwang and J. W. Daily. Characterization of a vapor axial deposition. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 8:58–66, 1994.
[38] J. Hwang and J. W. Daily. Electric field enhanced deposition in flame synthesized materials manufacturing. Journal of Aerosol Science, 26:5–18, 1995.
[39] A. Abbud-Madrid, M. C. Branch, and J. W. Daily. Ignition and combustion of bulk titanium and magnesium at normal and reduced gravity. In Twenty-Sixth Symposium (International) on Combustion, 1996.
[40] J. Hwang, S. Sassi, S. Mahalingan, and J. W. Daily. Laser-based characterization of a flame assisted plasma. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 16:417–448, 1996.
[41] J. W. Daily. Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy in flames. Prog.EnergyCombust.Sci., 23:133–199, 1997.
[42] M. W. Mackey, J. W. Daily, T. McKinnon, and E. P. Riedel. High-temperature UV-visible absorption spec- tral measurements and estimated primary photodissociation rates of formaldehyde, chlorobenzene and 1- chloronaphthalene . Photochem. Photobio. A, 105:1–6, 1997.
[43] S. P. Krumdieck and J. W. Daily. Evaluating the Feasibility of Biomass Pyrolysis Oil for Spray Combustion Applications . Comb. Sci. Tech., 134:351, 1998.
[44] J. W. Daily. Effect of laser intensity and of lower state rotational energy transfer upon temperature measure- ments made with laser-induced fluorescence. Applied Physics B, 68:131, 1999.
[45] A. Abbud-Madrid, A. Modak, M. C. Branch, and J. W. Daily. Combustion of magnesium with carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide at low gravity. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 17(4):852–859, 2001.
[46] A. L. Brown, D. C. Dayton, and J. W. Daily. A Study of Cellulose Pyrolysis Chemistry and Global Kinetics at High Heating Rates. Energy & Fuels, 15:1286, 2001.
[47] A. L. Brown, D. C. Dayton, M. R. Nimlos, and J. W. Daily. Characterization of biomass pyrolysis vapors with molecular beam, single photon ionization time-of-Flight mass spectrometry . Chemosphere, 42:663, 2001.
[48] A. L. Brown, D. C. Dayton, M. R. Nimlos, and J. W. Daily. Design and Characterization of an Entrained Flow Reactor for the Study of Biomass Pyrolysis Chemistry at High Heating Rates. Energ. Fuel, 15:1276, 2001.
[49] D. Dayton, A. L. Brown, M. Nimlos, and J. W. Daily. Characterization of biomass pyrolysis vapors with molecular beam, single photon ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Chemisphere, 42:663, 2001.
[50] C. B. Dreyer, J. W. Daily, A. Abbud-Madrid, and M. C. Branch. Laser-induced fluorescence excitation spec- troscopy of the magnesium oxide B1Σ+ − A1Π system . Appl. Opt., 40:2651, 2001.
[51] B. Rider, J. W. Daily, W. C. Baily, S. Milkovich, and G. Rider. FEA Modleing of Burn Injury in Tissue Quantifies Hazard Associated with Consumer Products. National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards World Congree, Lake Como, Italy, 2:1065–1076, Apr. 2001.
[52] J. W. Daily, C. Dreyer, A. Abbud-Madrid, and M. C. Branch. Transition Probabilities in the B1Σ+ − X1Π + andtheB1Σ+ − A1Π Electronic Systems of MgO . Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 214:111, 2002.
[53] L.-A. Liew, Y. Liu, R. Luo, T. Cross, L. An, V. M. Bright, M. L. Dunn, J. W. Daily, and R. Raj. Fabrication of SiCN MEMS by photopolymerization of pre-ceramic polymer . Sensors and Actuators A, 95:120, 2002.
[54] Y. Liua, L.-A. Liewa, R. Luoa, L. Anb, M. L. Dunna, V. M. Brighta, J. W. Dailya, and R. Raja. Application of microforging to SiCN MEMS fabrication. Sensors and Actuators A, 95:143, 2002.
[55] J. Tobai, T. Dreier, and J. DAILY. Rotational level dependence of ground state recovery rates for OH X2Pi(v=0) in atmospheric pressure flames using the picosecond saturating-pump degenerate four-wave mixing probe tech- nique. THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 116:4030, Feb. 2002.
[56] W. G. Bessler, C. Schulz, V. Sick, and J. W. Daily. A versatile modeling tool for nitric oxide LIF spectra. Proceedings of the Third Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of The Combustion Institute, Chicago, Paper P105:1–6, 2003.
[57] A. L. Brown, B. R. Hames, J. W. Daily, and D. C. Dayton. Chemical Analysis of Solids and Pyrolytic Vapors from Wildland Trees . Energ. Fuel, 17:1022, 2003.
[58] L.-A. Liew, R. A. Saravanan, V. M. Bright, M. L. Dunn, J. W. Daily, and R. Raj. Processing and characteri- zation of silicon carbon-nitride ceramics: application of electrical properties towards MEMS thermal actuators . Sensors and Actuators A, 103:171, 2003.
[59] J. Coen, S. Mahalingam, and Dail. Infrared Imagery of Crown-Fire Dynamics during FROSTFIRE. J.Appl. Meteorology, 43:1241, Nov. 2004.
[60] G. C. Krishnan, J. W. Daily, and J. Nabity. Simulation of an electrostatically driven microinjector pump. 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA 2004-0305:1–11, 2004.
[61] J. DAILY, W. Bessler, C. Shulz, V. Sick, and T. Settersten. Nonstationary Collisional Dynamics in Determining Nitric Oxide Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectra. AIAA Journal, 43:458, Feb. 2005.
[62] J. Nabity, S. Rooney, J. Daily, E. Johnson, and J. Hertzberg. An Electrostatically Actuated MEMS Fuel Injector to Enhance Low-Pressure Atomization. 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, pages 1–6, 2006.
[63] J. A. Nabity, G. Mason, J. R. Engel, J. W. Daily, R. S. Lagumbay, and D. Kassoy. Studies of MEMS Colloid Thrusters. 42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, pages 1–10, 2006.
[64] T. B. Settersten, a. B. D. Patterson, a. H. Kronemayer, b. V. Sick, c. C. Schulzb, and J. W. Daily. Branching ratios for quenching of nitric oxide A 2R+(n0 = 0) to X 2P(n00 = 0). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 8:5328–5338, Nov. 2006.
[65] J. W. Daily and M. Micci. Large Scale Simulations of Colloid Thrusters: Coarse Graining Strategies. 43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA 2007-5256:1–17, Aug. 2007.
[66] G. Krishnan, J. W. Daily, and J. Nabity. Simulation of an Electrostatically Driven Microinjector. AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 23(6):1321–1326, Nov. 2007.
[67] J. W. Daily. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Ion Emission from Nanodroplets of Ionic Liquids . AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 81(5):981, 2008.
[68] J. DAILY and M. Micci. Ionic velocities in an ionic liquid under high electric fields using all- atom and coarse- grained force field molecular dynamics9. Journal of Chemical Physics, 131:094501, 2009.
[69] B. P. V. Poppel, B. M. Spatafore, J. W. Daily, and J. A. Nabity. Simulation of an Electrostatically Driven MEMS Fuel Pump. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including The New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, AIAA 2009-445:1–9, 2009.
[70] Q. Guan, J. W. Daily, and G. B. Ellison. CFD Simulation of Compressible Reacting Flow in a Hyperthermal Tubular Reactor. 2010 Spring Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, 10S-43:1–19, Feb. 2010.
[71] B. Spatafore, B. V. Popple, J. DAILY, and J. Nabity. Fully-coupled Multiphysics Model to Simulate an Elec- trostatic Micropump. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2010-213:1–10, Jan. 2010.
[72] B. VanPoppel, O. Desjardins, and J. W. Daily. A Ghost Fluid, Level Set Approach for Modeling Electrohydro- dynamic Atomization. AIAA Paper 2010-372, pages 1–11, Jan. 2010.
[73] B. VanPoppel, O. Desjardins, and J. W. Daily. A ghost fluid, level set methodology for simulating multi- phase electrohydrodynamic flows with application to liquid fuel injection. Journal Of Computational Physics, 229(20):7977–7996, Jan. 2010.
[74] M. W. Jarvis, J. W. Daily, H.-H. Carstensen, A. M. Dean, S. Sharma, D. C. Dayton, D. J. Robichaud, and M. R. Nimlos. Direct Detection of Products from the Pyrolysis of 2-Phenethyl Phenyl Ether. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115(4):428–438, 2011.
[75] M. W. Jarvis, T. J. Haas, B. S. Donohoe, J. W. Daily, K. R. Gaston, W. J. Frederick, and M. R. Nimlos. Elucidation of Biomass Pyrolysis Products Using a Laminar Entrained Flow Reactor and Char Particle Imaging. Energy & Fuels, 25(1):324–336, Jan. 2011.
[76] A. Vasiliou, K. M. Piech, X. Zhang, M. R. Nimlos, M. Ahmed, A. Golan, O. Kostko, D. L. Osborn, J. W. Daily, J. F. STANTON, and G. B. Ellison. The products of the thermal decomposition of CH3CHO. Journal of Chemical Physics, 135(1):014306, 2011.
[77] K. N. Urness, G. B. Ellison, and J. W. Daily. Oxidative Activity of Hydrogen on Nickel and Inconel. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 134(6):064501, 2012.
[78] A. K. Vasiliou, K. M. Piech, B. Reed, X. Zhang, M. R. Nimlos, M. Ahmed, A. Golan, O. Kostko, D. L. Osborn, D. E. David, K. N. Urness, J. W. Daily, J. F. STANTON, and G. B. Ellison. Thermal decomposition of CH3CHO studied by matrix infrared spectroscopy and photoionization mass spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics, 137(16):164308, 2012.
[79] J. H. Kim, T. K. Ormond, K. N. Urness, Q. Guan, A. Golan, J. W. Daily, M. R. Nimlos, J. F. Stanton, M. Ahmed, and G. B. Ellison. Pyrolysis of the Biofuel 2,5-dimethylfuran in a Microreactor. Journal Of Organic Chemistry, pages 1–40, 2013.
[80] K. N. Urness, Q. Guan, A. Golan, J. W. Daily, M. R. Nimlos, J. F. STANTON, M. Ahmed, and G. B. Ellison. Pyrolysis of furan in a microreactor. Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(12):124305, 2013.
[81] A. K. Vasiliou, J. H. Kim, T. K. Ormond, K. M. Piech, K. N. Urness, A. M. Scheer, D. J. Robichaud, C. Mukarakate, M. R. Nimlos, J. W. Daily, Q. Guan, H.-H. Carstensen, and G. B. Ellison. Biomass pyrolysis: Thermal decomposition mechanisms of furfural and benzaldehyde. Journal of Chemical Physics, 139(10):104310, 2013.
[82] P. N. Werahera, E. D. Crawford, F. G. La Rosa, K. C. Torkko, B. Schulte, H. T. Sullivan, A. van Bokhoven, M. S. Lucia, and F. J. Kim. Anterior tumors of the prostate: diagnosis and significance. Canadian Journal of Urology, 20:6897, 2013.
[83] Q. Guan, K. N. Urness, T. K. Ormond, D. E. David, G. Barney Ellison, and J. W. Daily. The properties of a micro-reactor for the study of the unimolecular decomposition of large molecules. International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 33(4):447–487, Nov. 2014.
[84] N. M. Kidwell, V. Vaquero-Vara, T. K. Ormond, G. T. Buckingham, D. Zhang, D. N. Mehta-Hurt, L. McCaslin, M. R. Nimlos, J. W. Daily, B. C. Dian, J. F. STANTON, G. B. Ellison, and T. S. Zwier. Chirped-Pulse Fourier Transform Microwave Spectroscopy Coupled with a Flash Pyrolysis Microreactor: Structural Determination of the Reactive Intermediate Cyclopentadienone. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5(13):2201–2207, July 2014.
[85] T. K. Ormond, A. M. Scheer, M. R. Nimlos, J. W. Daily, G. B. Ellison, and J. F. Stanton. Polarized in- frared spectroscopy of cyclopentadienone, an important biomass decomposition product. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 118:708–718, 2014.
[86] J. H. Baraban, D. E. David, G. Barney Ellison, and J. W. Daily. An Optically Accessible Pyrolysis Microreactor . Reveiws of Scienctific Instruments, pages 1–14, Oct. 2015.
[87] G. T. Buckingham, T. K. Ormond, J. P. Porterfield, P. Hemberger, O. Kostko, M. Ahmed, D. J. Robichaud, M. R. Nimlos, J. W. Daily, and G. B. Ellison. The thermal decomposition of the benzyl radical in a heated micro-reactor: I. experimental findings. Journal of Chemical Physics, 142:044307–044320, 2015.
[88] T. K. Ormond, A. M. Scheer, M. R. Nimlos, D. J. Robichaud, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, J. W. Daily, T. L. Nguyen, J. F. STANTON, and G. B. Ellison. Pyrolysis of Cyclopentadienone: Mechanistic Insights from a Direct Measurement of Product Branching Ratios. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, page 150217151436007, Feb. 2015.
[89] J. P. Porterfield, J. H. Baraban, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, M. C. McCarthy, K. M. Morgan, J. W. Daily, T. L. Nguyen, J. F. Stanton, and G. B. Ellison. Pyrolysis of the simplest carbohydrate, glycoaldehyde (cho-ch2oh), and glyoxal in a heated micro-reactor. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119:12635 – 12647, 2015.
[90] J. P. Porterfield, T. L. Nguyen, J. H. Baraban, G. T. Buckingham, T. P. Troy, O. Kostko, M. Ahmed, J. F. STANTON, J. W. Daily, and G. B. Ellison. Isomerization and Fragmentation of Cyclohexanone in a Heated Micro-Reactor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, pages acs.jpca.5b10984–85, Nov. 2015.
[91] K. N. Urness, Q. Guan, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, J. W. Daily, G. B. Ellison, and J. M. Simmie. Pyrolysis Pathways of the Furanic Ether 2-Methoxyfuran. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(39):9962–9977, Oct. 2015.
[92] P. N. Werahera, E. A. Jasion, Y. Liu, J. W. Daily, P. Arangua, C. Jones, S. R. Nash, M. Morrell, and E. D. Crawford. Human Feasibility Study of Fluorescence Spectroscopy Guided Optical Biopsy Needle for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, pages 1–4, Mar. 2015.
[93] G. T. Buckingham, J. P. Porterfield, O. Kostko, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, D. J. Robichaud, M. R. Nimlos, J. W. Daily, and G. B. Ellison. The thermal decomposition of the benzyl radical in a heated micro-reactor. II. Pyrolysis of the tropyl radical. Journal of Chemical Physics, 145(1):014305–15, July 2016.
[94] G. T. Buckingham, J. P. Porterfield, O. Kostko, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, D. J. Robichaud, M. R. Nimlos, J. W. Daily, and G. B. Ellison. The thermal decomposition of the benzyl radical in a heated micro-reactor: Ii. pyrolysis of the tropyl radical. Journal of Chemical Physics, 145:014305–014319, 2016.
[95] D. E. D. G. B. E. J H Baraban and J. W. Daily. An Optically Accessible Pyrolysis Microreactor. Reviews of Scientific Instruments, 87:014101 – 014106, 2016.
[96] R. Cook, J. A. Nabity, and J. W. Daily. Characterizing Propellants for Variable-Thrust/Specific Impulse Colloid Thrusters. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 120(2):1–7, Sept. 2017.
[97] J. A. Nabity and J. W. Daily. Effect of Ionic Liquid Composition on Colloid Thruster Emission and Thrust Performance. Journal of Propulsion and Power, pages 1–7, Sept. 2017.
[98] J. P. Porterfield, D. H. Bross, B. Ruscic, J. H. Thorpe, T. L. Nguyen, J. H. Baraban, J. F. Stanton, J. W. Daily, and G. B. Ellison. Thermal decomposition of potential ester biofuels. part i: Methyl acetate and methyl butanoate. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121:4658–4677, 2017.
[99] T. K. Ormond, J. H. Baraban, J. P. Porterfield, A. M. Scheer, P. Hemberger, T. P. Troy, M. Ahmed, M. R. Nim- los, D. J. Robichaud, J. W. Daily, and G. B. Ellison. Thermal Decompositions of the Lignin Model Compounds: Salicylaldehyde and Catechol. The Journal and Physical Chemistry A, 122:5911–5924, July 2018.
[100] J. F. Glusman, K. E. Niemeyer, A. S. Makowiecki, N. T. Wimer, C. Lapointe, G. B. Rieker, P. E. Hamlington, and J. W. Daily. Reduced Gas-Phase Kinetic Models for Burning of Douglas Fir. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 5:892–8, July 2019.